Sweet Patriot turns two, and I remember the day he was born.I remember waking up in the morning. I was not in a good mood. I was convinced I was constipated, and I had a head cold, at 9 months pregnant I was a joy to be around. I dropped lib off at school and headed to the studio for summer camp. I was feistier than usually and I'll admit maaaaybe a bit snappy. By 9:30 I was done, I called the doctor and told them I needed something! I didn't feel good. I headed to the dr & when I got in he said, "let's just check & see how your doing". After checking me he says. "So ummmm. Im just going to send you over to the hospital now, your dilated to 5"😮 What? No way, I was not ready today, I had to go get a movie for summer camp, order lunch & I didn't have a plan for lib! I had just assumed I was being induced in a few days so of course didn't plan for any of it. Jake was alone at summer camp and I had driven myself to the dr. I convinced the doctor to give me an hour. I rushed to Best Buy, contractions and all, popped by the studio and came home to pack. Jake was suppose to meet me home, but after about 10 minutes I knew I couldn't wait so I waddled to the car and drove myself to the hospital....
I valet the car (thank god), grabbed my 19474738 bags, nursing pillow, purse and car seat (I have no clue why I felt the need to carry all of this myself) and waddled my way up to labor and delivery. When I finally arrived the nurses looked at me like I was nuts. They got me prepped and into bed & as the doctor checked, I had an option to get an epidural then or not at all. There was no waiting for jake... so I huddled over into my nurses arms and they started, jake walked in mid epidural and I don't think I could have been more relieved. They let me rest for about 30 minutes and then it was time. I pushed a few times before they realized he had the cord wrapped around your neck... twice. The neonatal team was called in. But no need, I pushed one more time and you were here! A head full of hair, roaring cry and the biggest brown eyes id ever seen. You snuggled write up to me and got yourself a spot in my heart. You have completed our family sweet boy. You test us to our limits and allow us to feel joy we never thought possible.