He came into this world fashionable late, and fast. I was convinced I was constipated & had a head cold. Little did I know I was actually in labor. I thought for sure I'd have to be induced. I drove myself to the hospital at 1, and he was born at 3:13. He was perfect. He had dark hair, dark eyes and he stole my heart the minute we locked eyes. The first few months he was the sweet mommas boy I thought he had to be. You know, because Liberty was SO difficult. She's strong willed, sassy, smart and nows how to work that sweet smile. But then she turned 4, and everything started to come together for her. I mean, she still throws her average 4 year old tantrum with the best of them, but she's SO much easier. Then there's this guy. and I'm like, "whaaaaat!? Where did you come from!?". Like whoa. This kid. He's grumpy, he's happy, he's crying, he's laughing, he's climbing, he's deystroying, he's running, he's rolling around in the dirt.
I am eating my words with this one. I always thought, you have one hard kid, you have one easy kid. I was convinced that was the way it was. Patriot HAD to be the easy one. Nope. I've got a difficult kid and a more difficult kid. I mean, maybe it will get easier. But I'm pretty sure, hard headed isn't something you grow out of. So I have this to say to you moms out there of all boys, I bow down to you. To the moms out there who have those strong willed littles, that test every step you take, keep working at it. There going to break things, climb things, make you want to hide in a closet and eat a snickers bar, this is true. But they will be your biggest accomplishment. They will push you to do more, be more and push yourself to your limits. Good luck mommas.
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You're thinking, cookies, hot cocoa and Christmas lights right? Nope, not the season I'm talking about. But the season of sniffles and coughs. I dont know about you, but here at the #flamehouse we've gotten everything from pink eye to larangitis & of course the stomach flu. Oh, and don't worry we were not lucky enough for one of the kids to get larangitis, but Mom... of course. It feels like the entire month of January, someone has been sick. We've been cooped up in the house and going a little crazy.
So what did I do? Ask my favorite #momsofconejovalley how they keep there families healthy.... Heres what they said: 👉🏼Wash your hands! When you get home, before you eat, after the bathroom, before nap, after nap, keep them clean! 👉🏼Change your clothes when you get home. 👉🏼 No shoes inside. 👉🏼 Lots of Vitamin C. 👉🏼 Elderberry Syrup. 👉🏼Probiotic. 👉🏼 Lots of fruits & veggies. 👉🏼 Stay hydrated. 👉🏼 Essential Oils. 👉🏼 Plenty of rest. 👉🏼Dress Warmly. Holy Moly we almost have a kid in Elementary school. If someone could please find the past 5 years of my life that would be a awesome. The thought of having to be at school Monday thru Friday at 8:15 gives me the chills. We can barely make it to preschool by 9.
But, realizing that we have like an actual "kid kid" not like a "baby kid" kiiiiinda freaks me out. I feel like I have to start making her responsible. Independent. Respectful. Focused. I've taught other peoples kids for so long, I know what I want my kid to be like. Some kids can dress themselves at 5, others can't. Even though I may not like what she chooses, I want my 5 year old to dress herself (here's to hoping we get into a school with a uniform #sneakymom). I want her to be responsible enough to bring home all the Tupperware in her lunch box. I want her to speak up in class. Be a critical thinker. Ask questions. I want her to be aware. Know what's going on around her. So, to get ready for being 5 we started with actual chores. Our days aren't the same though the week, so these aren't daily chores, yet. But they are things she needs to do when ask. 1. We just separated our kids and gave them their own rooms. This is what happens when your 17 month old decides to jump ship outta the crib. So she needs to keep her room clean, toys in bins & clothes put away as well as making her bed. 2. Get dressed by herself, we may pick out clothes the night before or it may be her job to pick out her own clothes. We've been preparing for this for a few months. She can successfully take all her clothes off and put them on without any help. 3. Helping unload the dishwasher. Her jobs are silverware, this helps her sorting skills. Tupperware, she needs to match the lids and put it away. And last the bottles and sippy cups, again she'll need to match them, screw them on and put them away. We're starting small, little chores that help her to grow and work on sorting, matching and motor skills. As for right now it's a privilege to "get" to help. She's excited and enthusiastic to "work". As she gets older I'm sure we'll add in some incentives, but as for now we're keeping the chores "fun"! To all those moms sending your sweet little coughing booger making factories to school for the first time, They are going to get sick. A lot. Especially in the first year. No matter how many oils, elderberry syrup or coconut oil you slather them in, they will begin producing those lovely green boogers that just don't stop.
You'll be so excited to have some freedom back, get out of your yoga pants and maybe, just maybe, drink an entire cup of coffee without heating it up six times. The first few weeks will be amazing. Whether you've gone back to work or just taking a bit of "me" time, you'll get into a schedule, things are great.... and then BAM! It hits, a cold, the stomach flu, a rash that looks like the measles... they'll get better for a few weeks, after they've passed it to yourself and anyone else around them, everyone will be healthy! You've sanitized every crevice and door knob, washed all the puke blankets, packed everyone full of vitamins, and rubbed oils on the bottom of their feet and temples, everyone is healthy! You breathe a *sigh* of fresh air... Then, boom! If you had the stomach flu last time, this time it's a cold and vice versa... it just doesn't stop. For the first year your sweet little booger factory is at school, their going to get sick. All the time. And then share it with you! Especially the first year, it doesn't matter if you start them as a toddler or preschooler, the boogers will find you!! So. I have this piece of advice. Be ready for it. Be ready to take days off. Disinfect door knobs. Guzzle the elderberry syrup. And wash wash wash, those puke blankets. Because for some reason every time they start throwing up, every dam blanket in the house is dirty! for those of you who are doing your best to keep those little boogers healthy! Heres some of our favorite "precautions". We love Fairytales Hair products for lice repellent. We also love (not just the taste either!) Grateful Naturals "Elderberry Syrup"! Although it isn't a miracle cure, it sure helps get rid of sicknesses much quicker & can help you fight off your basic cold! On Saturday, Feb. 11, 2017, from 12:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Conejo Community Outreach will be hosting our first "Open Closet Day" at Jacob Flame's Tang Soo Do University in Newbury Park.
Pre-registered local individuals/families will be able to "shop/browse" our Community Closet inventory (a free resource created out of donations from our community). If you, or someone you know, is in need of basic necessities such as baby clothing and items (bottles, diapers etc), work attire, jackets and beyond, please visit our website to pre-register for this event. Once your pre-registration has been processed, we will reach out with additional information. We are also looking for continued donations over the next month to assure can adequately meet needs. (Work attire, diapers, bottles, baby wipes, maternity wear, baby clothing are most requested). Or you can make a monetary donation to help us stock our inventory. And we are looking for volunteers to help us the day of the event (great opportunity for kids). Please visit our website for more information on how to pre-register, where/how to donate, and how to volunteer. |