With summer in full swing I feel like I’m constantly looking for “new” activities to keep them from saying THOSE words: I’m BORED! It’s a constant battle between not over exhausting them to the point of melt downs and keeping them active so they aren’t burning down the house.
Summer is here & it’s bathing suit time!
When we were buying our home, my husband had one demand. It must have a pool and spa. We are in the water ALL the time so I’m constantly on the lookout for great suits! Here are some of my favorites. Red Bathing Suit This is one of my all time favorite suits! Especially when you’re chasing kids. It has amazing tummy control and keeps the girls held up and in! This suit has full boot coverage and does not ride up! Bikini with Strappy Front If you’re in the market for a bikini don’t pass this one up! It a bit risqué, with the front criss cross but holds everything in. The bottoms to this bikini are a bit cheeky so beware if you’re looking for something with more coverage. Black Bathing Suit SEXY! This bathing suit may be a one piece but the deep “V” and tie top make it the super sexy. This is more of a “laying by the pool relaxing” not a “chase the kids” around suit. This bathing suit has full booty coverage. Black Fringe It hides it all! This is the perfect suit when you’re feeling a bit bloated because it hides it all and has great booty coverage. I ordered the navy and black, they are my go to! Blue Tie Dye Cupshe! Cupshe! Cupshe! Gets it right! This comfy suit has full coverage. It’s a great suit for chasing the kids around or water activities! This bathing suit has moderate booty coverage. Keyhole Bikini I wasn’t sure about this suit, but I love it! The top ties around the neck and has a keyhole. Beware of tan lines on this one especially on top. The bottoms are very cheeky and have a strap that goes around your hip below your waste.
It’s your kids birthday. Decorations. Party favors. Dessert Tables. Balloons. And on and on and on. And then there’s food. A lot of food. Feeding that many people is hard and let’s be honest, the task can be daunting. Not only is it quite the task it can be super expensive! We’ve put together some of our favorite catering options for you in the Conejo. Whether it be for a birthday or another event, these are great choices!
Let’s talk 3 year olds for a minute. They are busy little people with lots of energy! Keeping them on a schedule and entertained while doing all the 92847464849 tasks you need to get done can be challenging. We’ve come up with a few quick reminders and tips to help you! What things should a 3 year old do everyday? 🛁Hygiene From morning to night this is an important one! When we get up in the morning, we head straight to the bathroom (also to avoid accidents!), potty & wash our hands. Before we leave the house you’ll find us brushing our teeth & hair, getting dressed. Sometimes we let them pick out their own outfits, yikes... and sometimes we change, A LOT! We talk about clothes matching and appropriate attire. We help them to make decisions on what they should were. Why do I do this? Because all day long we tell them what to do, and this is my chance to let her choose, let her be in control and have her own style. During the day we’re constantly reminding them to wash hands, and of course wiping messing faces! We also keep LOTS of wipeys & hand sanitizer handy! Our kids are in daycare & camp, and that means germs! So once we arrive home we change, well, some of us do and then there’s Patriot. You can usually find him in a diaper. Clothes go in the laundry room too! After dinner it’s bath time. We don’t wash hair everyday. Why? Lice freak me out, and I’ve heard they like clean hair. So. We wash hair 2/3 times per week depending on the week. After bath its lotion (we’ve got one with ezcema, so this is a step we cannot miss!), teeth, and pajamas. And one more time before bed, potty and wash hands! Read Every.Single.Day!!!! We just started reading boxcar children with our 5 year old and I AM so excited! It’s one of my favorites and brings up so many discussion topics. Our 3 year old loves the ABC book right now, it has a bunch of pictures for each of the letters and he loves saying what they all are. Art Color, Paint, Chalk, just get them creating! We run a summer camp and today we made shields out of cardboard! We painted it and decorated it with leftover craft supplies like jewels, feathers & stickers! You can use any medium you’d like, just color their world! Our kindergartener absolutely loved talking about the color wheel in school this year, she constantly talks about what color makes best and loves to mix them and make her own colors. We started incorporating mixing colors with our 3 year old, and to see the sparkle in his eye when he makes green is amazing! 🤸🏼♂️Large/Small Motor Skill Activities Running, rolling, throwing, sorting, pouring, stacking, riding, climbing- tire those little energizer bunnies out! Work on hoping on two feet, one foot, backward, forwards, zig zag running, bear crawling! Choose a different motor skill to work on each day and watch your child to see where you need to adjust regularly! 👭👬Socialization Talk & play! Go on a play date, sign up for a class, meet a friend at the park, head to a free indoor playground, or just simply have a conversation during a meal! Eat!
This is the time when our little munchkins can get very picky. Make sure to switch up your child’s meals. Don’t get stuck on the Mac n Cheese, chicken nugget, banana diet. Try new foods, put new foods on their plate. Give them the options to try them! If you’re having trouble eating meals, try your best to cut down on the snacking. I work. A lot. Good Babysitters are life!
When it comes to bringing someone into your home to watch your children, IT IS A BIG DEAL. This person has your most prized possessions, inside your most expensive purchase, your home. I started babysitting at 12 years old, 3 boys 6,3 and 1. It was INTENSE. Today we would say that's crazy! I agree!! But I did it, I worked the entire summer for $8 per hour. I was loooooaded for a teenager! I spent it all at Claire's... Before I started babysitting my mom gave me some tips that I think are SO important. 1. NEVER leave the children alone. Period. They are your responsibility and you are in their territory. They will get ya, their like ninjas. 2. Feed the children, and while they eat do the dishes. Oh, and if there's any other dishes do those too. It's just nice. (My sitter does this when I leave dishes, and it is A TREAT!) 3. Check Diapers often & be sure the children are clean/bathed/hair brushed/teeth brushed/pajama'd and ready for bed when mom & dad arrive home. *If your unsure if they want you to do this, ask! 4. Have them write down phone numbers & emergency contacts before they leave, find out if they have any allergies, and if there is absolutely something they should not do or some where they should not go. 5. Play with the children!! Play freeze dance, color, go outside and play soccer, INTERACT. This is what you are being paid to do. 6. When mom/dad arrive home, be sure the house is in the condition they left it, or better. If they play with a toy, they pick it up before they get out another. Just because this isn't your home, doesn't mean it's ok to let the children deystroy it. Again, you're being paid to oversee the children's behavior. 7. Let the parents know what you did & what you fed them along with any important information about the day. And Some of our Favorites from MOCV members: Keep the Children Alive. Stay off your phone. Do not lose the children. Dont Burn the house down. Get off your phone. But, if you do burn down the house, be sure to get the children and animals out. Please no permanent markers, please. PLEASE! Please do not let them eat every fruit snack packet in the house. For the love of god get off your phone. Please do not invite any friends over without my permission, especially your boyfriend. Stay off your phone! don't let them manipulate you. Oreo cookies in bed at 10:00 is NEVER an option. Put the phone down. if you give them something to drink before bed, make sure they go potty. Unless your coming back for clean up tomorrow...... Make them Laugh! PHONE DOWN. Channel your inner child! I'm looking for ward to sleeping in the next day, so be sure to exhaust them. Bonus info for MOMS of Teenage girls: CRPD offers a babysitting training course along with cpr classes, this is a great way to get the basics! Seriously though, this stuff his heaven and one of the many reasons we love Stacked! Eating out in our house these days is like going into battle while carrying your luggage and a 30 pound out of control 2 year old with a 5 year old screaming about how she wants to go to the "white chocolate store". I am not kidding. But don't worry MOCV, Stacked is here to give you everything you want! Like Watermelon Mojitos! Just Kidding.... Kind of. ;)
But seriously, they have so much to choose from. Burgers, Salad, Mac n Cheese, Pizza & more! You can have it your way or choose on of their creations! Sweet Patriot turns two, and I remember the day he was born.I remember waking up in the morning. I was not in a good mood. I was convinced I was constipated, and I had a head cold, at 9 months pregnant I was a joy to be around. I dropped lib off at school and headed to the studio for summer camp. I was feistier than usually and I'll admit maaaaybe a bit snappy. By 9:30 I was done, I called the doctor and told them I needed something! I didn't feel good. I headed to the dr & when I got in he said, "let's just check & see how your doing". After checking me he says. "So ummmm. Im just going to send you over to the hospital now, your dilated to 5"😮 What? No way, I was not ready today, I had to go get a movie for summer camp, order lunch & I didn't have a plan for lib! I had just assumed I was being induced in a few days so of course didn't plan for any of it. Jake was alone at summer camp and I had driven myself to the dr. I convinced the doctor to give me an hour. I rushed to Best Buy, contractions and all, popped by the studio and came home to pack. Jake was suppose to meet me home, but after about 10 minutes I knew I couldn't wait so I waddled to the car and drove myself to the hospital....
I valet the car (thank god), grabbed my 19474738 bags, nursing pillow, purse and car seat (I have no clue why I felt the need to carry all of this myself) and waddled my way up to labor and delivery. When I finally arrived the nurses looked at me like I was nuts. They got me prepped and into bed & as the doctor checked, I had an option to get an epidural then or not at all. There was no waiting for jake... so I huddled over into my nurses arms and they started, jake walked in mid epidural and I don't think I could have been more relieved. They let me rest for about 30 minutes and then it was time. I pushed a few times before they realized he had the cord wrapped around your neck... twice. The neonatal team was called in. But no need, I pushed one more time and you were here! A head full of hair, roaring cry and the biggest brown eyes id ever seen. You snuggled write up to me and got yourself a spot in my heart. You have completed our family sweet boy. You test us to our limits and allow us to feel joy we never thought possible. What a fun afternoon! We did everything from play with the sand to paint boxes! We had a delish lunch from Lucilles BBQ, the kids devoured the Mac "n" Cheese, and for my picky eaters, that's impressive! I try to explain this event to people, and honestly it's one of a kind! I say it's like, every kind of specialty (well made) item you're not going to fine in Toys "r" us, birthday party ideas, snacks AND activities for your littles! Plan to be there all day too!! It'll take that long to get through everything! Be sure to follow #greatbigfamilyplayday on Instagram & twitter with the links above! Check out our favorites from the day!
Can you believe that I'm almost 34, I've lived in Southern California my entire life.... never been to Palm Springs! Ever... The Master rides quads for fun, and we go to Glamis quite a bit. If you've never been to Glamis, imagine an enormous sand box with no running water. For years we would head down to Glamis for some "fun"..... with no running water... and lots of sand. We would drive by Palm Springs, and a girl could hope. Wish. Dream. Flashback to this guy at 25 in that big ole' sand pit. Well girls, wishes do come true! My dads bought a house in Palm Springs!!! Now there was no way the Master could say "no" to Palm Springs!! Wahoo for vacations that include running water! We spent our Spring Break 2017 in Palm Springs! We put together a 3 day family travel guide for you. You can also search our hashtag #theflamesdopalmsprings2017 to see all our photos! We arrived super late on a Wednesday. Our kids hate the car, hence why it's been so hard to do vacations. I refuse to drive any long distance with them, and the Master refuses to be trapped on an airplane with them. Their suuuuuper easy kids...... Day 1: Palm Springs Ariel Tram & Villagefest Thursday morning we were up and ready to go! We headed downtown for breakfast, we found a cute little French Restaurant, L' Atelier . The mimosas had a bit of strawberry in them which made them super tastey! We had eggs Benedict on a croissant, which tasted just like Paris... see the sign? Prices were super reasonable & they had kid friendly food! After breakfast we headed up the the San Jacinto Mountians! We arrived around 11:30 and caught the 12:20 tram up. The wait was not long at all, it gave us plenty of time to check out the many decks for viewing the beautiful scenery! The ride lasted about 10 minutes. Don't worry about where you stand, the floor rotates! There is no sitting on the tram on the way up, you must stand. If you have a backpack they'll ask you to take it off. There was a person at the top with a stroller, but I wouldn't assume you can take one. If you have a little one, be sure to bring a carrier. Once you're at the top, it's breathtaking! The views are incredible and it's like you've entered another world! There is a restaurant, bar and gift shop at the top. But I highly recommend bringing a picnic lunch, there are a ton of tables behind the visitors center. There are trails that run along side creeks, patches of snow and bridges to cross! It is such a fun place to let the littles explore! You could easily spend a few hours exploring the area. After our adventurous outing we headed back to the house and freshened up for Villagefest! If you are in town on a Thursday, this is a must! They shut down a portion of Palm Canyon Drive and it quickly fills up with vendors, art exhibits and food! There's no need to make dinner reservations, theres plenty of yummy food like Paella, Shwarma, Crepes & more! Day 2: Wet & Wild plus Patriots first movie! We were so excited to take Liberty to the water park because, duh. Slides & WATER!? The park opened at 11 and closed at 5. If you can buy your tickets in advance, do it! You can save a few bucks! Wet and Wild was super clean & surprisingly quiet for spring break! We grabbed a few chairs on the grass under an easy up to plop our stuff down. There was a ton of slides along with a wave pool & lazy river! There are 2 restaurants on site, plus a bar! But, be careful the one that serves the Carne Asada & tacos is only open a few hours. Wet & Wild allows you to bring in sports drinks & waters ONLY! They will ask you to throw anything else away. W & W supplies life jackets to so no need to bring your own. After they kicked us out of the park, literally, we headed home to refresh and back out to the movies. This was patriots first movie. We headed to the Regal Theater in town, they have a ton of movies to choose from! Day 3: The Living Desert What a cool zoo! You guys, this is one of my favorites! I've been to zoo's all over, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Miami, its one of my most favorite things to see in a city! This zoo honestly felt like you were walking into another land. The animals are all fit perfect for the area and the extras are awesome! Liberty and the Master got to ride a camel! A camel! It was quite hot so make sure to arrive early. If you go in the fall/winter there are some hiking trails as well! There are a few indoor spaces with activities as well if you need to get out of the heat. There is still so much to do we'll definitely be back!!
If you're a local business in Palm Springs & would like us to visit you to share our experience please email us at [email protected] |